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Reapers of the Damned Page 5
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Page 5
“Looks what’s happening to the flesh!” he called out. They all gathered around the viewing portal to see what was happening. The sight they saw was probably more horrendous than the initial attack. The gray clumps of flesh began to seethe as they violently convulsed.
An alarmed tech exclaimed, “Wasn’t killing the poor bastard enough? Now it’s destroying every last trace of its remains. What manner of being is this? Does it kill without reason?” these questions wandered through the minds of all people onboard the sensor array.
“That is what we were sent here to find out.” Another coolly responded. The bio tech began to manipulate the controls of his workstation. People could feel the soft vibrations of the bio scanner’s motors, mounted on the roof of the vehicle, as it adjusted its scanner to pick up more intricate details.
“What are you up to?”
“I have an idea.” The bio tech responded curtly as he continued feeding instructions to the delicate instrument. The view on the console continually changed, however the other techs could not make any sense of it.
“Care to enlighten us?” The bio tech kept them waiting for just a few more seconds as he finished up a few fine adjustments.
“There!” he exclaimed with satisfaction. The console’s screen showed a split screen view. One had a close up view of the green lights inside of the cloud. The other showed a strange and undecipherable view. Strange floating structures bounced around in a suspended medium, some showed clear signs of damage.
“What’ are we looking at?” One technician asked as he studied the images on the display.
The bio tech turned to the gathered group of technicians “This boys and girls is Celestial Arachnid DNA.” The science team looked on as the bio tech explained his actions, “You’ll notice the familiar double helix structure found in all organic organisms.” The technicians easily recognized the familiar structure once it was pointed out
“Now take a look at these strands” the bio tech adjusted the view so that they could get a better view “You see the chemical composition of these double helixes have been altered!” the science team considered the new facts.
One of them raised their hands the bio tech acknowledged him “Why do they look damaged?”
“Because it was done in a random fashion, no consideration of the negative effects of the alterations was made.” The bio tech replied
They absorbed the information and tried to deduce what was going on “What did this?” another tech asked
“The being has released a pathogen that is mutating the arachnid at a subatomic level.”
They all thought intently but still could not reach a conclusion. They needed more information “Why would it do that?” the bio tech did not answer immediately he wanted them to think about it for a while.
“It’s feeding!” he cried out, “It draws upon genetic material to nourish itself!” the other technicians were still confused. He pointed to the other half of the display “Look at these green points of lights inside of the entity. See how they are becoming brighter. That means they are being fortified. They must be some kind of energy store for the entity.”
As the technicians gained a better understanding they started asking more focused questions “So this pathogen is released by the entity, which starts mutating its victim. This helps the entity extract genetic material, which it feeds upon. Kind of like saliva helps us digest our food.”
“Exactly!” the bio tech confirmed their conclusion
“So that means the pathogen stays with the victim.”
“Right.” The bio tech said with an awkward look on his face. Now it was his turn to be confused, the technician was not sure where this train of thought was going. It was the sonar operator who first came to the awful conclusion.
“Jake!” an icy grip fell upon the crew as they all came to the same horrible conclusion.
“We’ve gotta warn them.” The sonar operator turned to communications tech “Com! Contact C&C!”
Dr. Shukai was in his office working on a paper for an upcoming symposium on Interstellar Diseases. The subject of his paper was Jake, his most astonishing patient to date. Dr. Shukai was so engrossed with his work he remained at his workstation even after the space station went under lockdown. Since he couldn’t return to his quarters he decided to stay up and write some more.
After a few productive hours of work he decided he needed a break to refresh his mind. He sat up straight and felt a satisfying crack as his back aligned itself. The motion sent a surge of blood to his head that gave him a pleasant tingling feeling. He turned his head towards his office window.
From the large glass encased opening he could see the foreboding hibernation capsule. The overhead lights had been switched off and a veil of darkness obscured the details of the comatose body. Dr. Shukai wondered about the poor man, was he ever going to make it?
The only people running the station’s Medical Center during this part of the time cycle was a skeleton crew of three or four medi techs. One was leisurely monitoring the readings coming from the capsule as he read a colorful comic strip off of a PDA.
The doctor decided to distract himself by checking his messages. Using his workstation console, he established a connection with C&C’s communication satellite and began downloading text messages that were addressed to him. He was reading a letter from his wife when he heard a commotion.
“Doctor check out these readings!” it was the medi tech who was monitoring the hibernation capsule. Dr. Shukai secured his workstation and quickly made his way towards the capsule.
By the time he got there the overhead lights had been turned on. The room was bathed in the sterile white lights emitting from the Medical Center’s ceilings.
“What is it?” the doctor asked
“I am getting peculiar readings from the DNA tag.” The medi tech said as he glanced at the capsule’s console. DNA tags were routinely injected into comatose or deceased bodies so that they could be easily identified. As the doctor examined the console he could see why the medi tech was so concerned. The DNA tag was no longer identifying the body as Jake McGill. What was most peculiar was the body wasn’t being classified as Homo sapiens.
“This is most peculiar.” Dr. Shukai thought out loud. At first he suspected a technical glitch “but how can that be, the system is brand new.” There had to be another reason, so he thought some more. Finally he decided to query the tag. Using the capsule’s console he interfaced with the device. Using a set of instructions that could be understood by the DNA tag, he asked which species the body belonged to. The tag began scanning a genetic sample of the man’s body. The scan was compared with all DNA specifications it had in its memory; when no match was found it responded by displaying the text “unknown” on the doctor’s console.
Shukai was thoroughly confused he sat down besides the medi tech. He took off his glasses and rubbed his eyes, the soothing motions helped to clear his mind. “Maybe I’ve made a mistake with the instruction set.” He thought. He checked the instructions once more but couldn’t find any errors. So he sent the same query again. Once more the tag responded with the same bizarre answer.
“How can that be? Surely we encased a human being named Jake McGill inside of this capsule.” He said out loud, of course the doctor didn’t expect an intelligent response from a mere technician. That’s when he realized he needed more help. “When is the science team due back? Maybe they could shed some light on this enigma.”
The technician consulted his PDA “They were due back hours ago however they haven’t reported in yet.” The technician replied
Dr. Shukai’s curiosity grew more and more. He had to find out the reason for the bizarre readings. He needed an answer now, after all the entire premise of his paper was ruined. It dealt with a human being not an unknown species. “Medi Tech!” he addressed the man sitting next to him “Prepare a bio scanner and configure it for deep penetration.”
“Understood!” the technician left to get the device. Dr. Shukai was following a hunch. If he could see the man’s DNA maybe then he could find out why he was receiving such strange readings. The technician returned with the device and began to configure it. Its sensors were faced towards the hibernation capsule. They soon began to probe the preserved body.
Dr. Shukai intently watched the scanner’s monitor as hazy images began to form. He could make out the familiar double helix and other sub atomic molecular structures. What he saw next startled both men. “It’s damaged DNA sir!” the medi tech blurted; apparently his rudimentary knowledge of molecular biology was sufficient to make a proper diagnosis.
“Indeed.” Shukai replied as he made fine adjustments to the scanner. The monitor began displaying something else. It wasn’t healthy or damaged DNA strands rather it was a third structure the doctor could not recognize.
“Hello, what’s this?” the doctor zoomed in on the mysterious structure. He watched as it latched itself onto a healthy DNA strand and ripped it apart. “My gosh!” the aggressiveness of the microorganism was something he had never seen before.
Not knowing what to make of it, he decided to consult his medical references to see if anything like this had been documented. A copy the references were stored in the memory banks of the doctor’s computer terminal he quickly made his way to his desk and typed in a search query. The computer returned several articles however he only read the most relevant ones
“Did you know that the gas moths of vixen heights secrete viruses to paralyze their prey?” he absentmindedly asked the medi tech “The virus enters the victims body and feeds on its central nervous system.” The doctor found this to be most impressive “They said that the presence that attacked Jake had low molecular cohesion, thereby implying a gas creature” he stroke his chin as he thought deeply “Is it possible that we are seeing a repeat of the gas moth’s attack?” Shukai weighed the evidence that was before him and drew a conclusion “I propose that there is a pathogen inside of Jake McGill that is attacking his DNA, thereby altering it completely.” the shocking discovery wasn’t acknowledged by the medi tech, whose eyes were fixed on the hibernation capsule.
“Sir, he’s moving.” Dr. Shukai faced the capsule. Sure enough Jake’s body was stirring. He decided to leave his desk to get a closer look.
“No need to worry. It’s just misfiring motor neurons, purely an automatic reaction.” The doctor sounded like he was convincing himself rather than the medi tech. The doctor’s disbelief in his explanation was soon confirmed. With a sudden jolt the limp body instantly became erect.
The sudden and unsuspected movement caused a wave of fright to crash through the two men. They instinctively held their breadths and stared at the rigid form with wide gazing eyes. They held their positions for a little while longer as they tried to anticipate its next move.
They didn’t have to wait long in an equally sudden jolt the body violently arched its back propelling itself through the thick nutrient broth. It seemed as if something was drawing the body towards itself. The corpse was up against the clear glass containment panel. The viscous broth no longer obscured its physical features.
“Mr. McGill, can you hear me?” Dr. Shukai cautiously asked the reanimated corpse. The doctor stared into the dull vacant eyes that once belonged to Jake McGill. They stared back with gelatinous white eyeballs. The body’s skin had gone pale and the limbs devoid of life giving blood were beginning to decay. Seeing this, the doctor knew that Jake was no longer amongst the living.
Shukai had only his theory of misfiring neurons to explain the ghastly scene. But as the body began wrenching itself in horribly unnatural positions the doctor found his entire body of medical knowledge useless.
The medi tech, who was thoroughly disturbed, vomited across the antiseptic white tiles of the medical center. The doctor looked away from the excrements; a pang of nausea overcame his senses. He just wanted to leave this place. But the next actions of the ungodly being compelled him to stay. It began beating its balled up fists against the containment panel. At first the blows were clumsy and slow. But spasmodic jerks in his arms and torso began building up momentum. Soon the entire body was putting its weight into each blow, which came one after another.
“Sir, I don’t think misfiring neurons can do that!” the disturbed man said as he wiped his soiled mouth across his sleeve. “We need to get out of here! Seal this place up… that thing can’t get out of here.”
The doctor did not immediately acknowledge the man’s practical request “We could spend years studying this one phenomenon.” Shukai said reverently with his gaze transfixed on the hibernation capsule, which was already showing signs of fatigue.
“We have to leave!” the medi tech screamed into the Asian man’s face. “We don’t know what that thing is capable of.” he said while forcefully gesturing at the crazed body.
The doctor snapped out of his trance “You’re right we must seal the Medical Center before he can get out.” At that exact moment the containment panel shattered. A surging wave of nutrient broth cascaded across the floor. The glaring white light from above caught the crest of the waves and reflected back. The body leaped out of the opening created by its bloodied fists. It landed with a tremendous thud as more broth flooded across its backside.
The body heaved its chest heavily all the while staring across the room with sheer malice in its deadened eyes. With lumbering movements the corpse began making its way towards the main entrance. Each time it jerked itself forward foamy broth flew off its limbs.
The men looked on in horror as the horrid creature went passed them. They watched as it left the Medical Center and made its way down the hallway. Once out of sight the men breathed a sigh of relief.
“We must warn the others!” The medi tech was instantly on his feet making his way towards the Medical Center’s intercom. He found the emergency distress button and activated it. In an instant the room was filled with the blaring sound of security alarms. The automated addressing system began repeating an archaic distress call, “Intruder Alert!”
Yamada’s men were out patrolling the hallways and other access points of the station, in order to make sure the station was under lockdown. Security detail MK-32 was in the vicinity of the Medical Center when the alarms sounded.
“Tactical formation!” ordered the squad captain. The heavily armored security personnel formed a tight circle and moved forward. Their heavy boots clanged against the solid floors of the station as they made their way towards the Medical Center; A few seconds later the sound of thumping flesh could be heard through their helmets.
“Lock and Load!” the squad captain commanded. His men activated their automatic weapons; once activate they brought them to chest level with their muzzles facing forward. They continued marching towards the point of distress, when they made visual contact with the intruder.
“Dear God! It’s Jake!” a wave of panic swept through the group of men. Seeing their colleague, in such a frightful state, caught them off guard. However in an instant their training kicked in, and they became emotionally detached.
“Freeze! Hands on the ground now!” The possessed corpse did not heed their command and continued rampaging down the hallway.
“I won’t repeat myself. Stand down or we will fire!” As expected the lumbering corpse did not stop. It continued forward heading straight for the heavily armed men.
“Drop him!” Sworn to protect the lives of the people on board the station Yamada’s men did not hesitate to open fire. A stream of projectiles burst out of their powerful weapons. They pierced the reanimated corpse, but they had no effect, it continued coming. With muzzles blazing the men held their positions. The valiant effort was all in vain the ungodly beast rammed into them and knocked them aside.
The quick thinking squad captain realized that their target was heading for the lower levels. He immediately contacted the security detail responsible
for that section “It’s battering down the elevator doors as we speak. You have just enough time to setup a barricade around the western elevator shaft.”
“Roger that MK-32, we’ll be ready.” The gray skinned corpse had pulled apart the elevator’s heavy sliding doors and had jumped into the dark shaft. It landed on the roof of the car; seeing that it was trapped the corpse became frustrated. It let out an angry cry and began pulling on the emergency exit panel. Its still functioning ears could hear loud voices and the sound of heavy equipment outside of the elevator shaft. A part of him understood that if he continued in this manner he could be destroyed, however he was powerless to stop himself he had to answer the call of the entity.
It managed to get inside of the car and began to pry apart the sliding doors for the lower level. When it made enough room to slide its body through he was met with a blinding flash of light. Stunned the reanimated corpse began to stagger, its body was sprayed with bullets but it did not back down. The effects of the stun grenade wore off and the corpse charged towards the metal plates that had been bolted to the deck plating. The highly skilled personnel of security detail MK-59 continued their onslaught however the supernaturally strong cadaver overcame their defenses and plied through the hastily erected barricade.
The sound of heavy weapons fire and detonating stun grenades caused quite a commotion. Crewmembers resting in their quarters were awakened by the sounds of battle. They wanted to investigate the disturbance so they watched the attack from the doorways of their quarters. However their curiosity was immediately satisfied when they saw the abomination heading in their direction. They quickly ducked back into their rooms as the bleeding corpse ran past them.
“He’s heading for the airlocks!” the second squad captain said with a look of frustration on his face. “Only SENTINEX can stop him now.”
With superhuman strength the possessed body tore down the airlock door. It entered the decompression chamber and immediately made its way to the outer airlock door. The sturdier door proved harder to smash down. The corpse repeatedly smashed its self into it with greater and greater force. Completely focused on achieving its goal it paid no attention to the deadly piece of hardware, mounted in the corner of the chamber.